prayer. power. providence.

We'd love to pray for you.

How it works

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Prayer for Israel and Financial Provision

Praise the Lord.

I kneel and pray for Israel, my family and myself.  Bless Israel and pray for …

- A, Malaysia

4 🙏 0 📝

Pray for Financial Breakthrough

I am asking for prayer for God’s protection in every area of my life. Please pray for financial …

- A, United States

🙏 Let us know you prayed! As you pray for the requests on this page, please click the prayer icon next to each one. Doing so will provide a great encouragement to your brothers and sisters who are in need at this time.
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Pray for a miracle against corruption

God, You alone know how hard this road has been, and that our business will not survive if …

- L, Zambia

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Prayer Against Witchcraft

I want to request a prayer against sudden witchcraft attacks sent against me.

- B, United States

Christianityworks needs your prayers too! Thank you so much for praying with us! We know that together, we will see a mighty harvest. View this month's Prayer Focus
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Please pray for M

It is said that whoever God blesses, no man can curse! Please pray that God will bless my life and …

- M, United Kingdom

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Healing of Back for M

M has undergone a few surgeries to reduce the pain but the pain returns. He also has Parkinson’s as …

- S, Australia

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Financial Assistance from the Lord

Lord, I thank you for all your provisions. At this stage, I ask for help to pay off my debts/loans. …

- K, Philippines

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Removal of blockages and good health

Please pray for my pressure to be stable, for me to enjoy my career and for a loving partner who is …

- N, Sweden

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Dear Father God,

Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace, goodness, mercy, forgiveness, LOVE …

- M, United States

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Please pray with me that in Jesus name the subpoena will be served on the witnesses before the …

- I, South Africa

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Prayers for Guidance and Hope

Dearest prayer group,

Thank you for accepting my prayers as I’m desperately in need for some …

- M, South Africa

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Prayer for a Job Offer

I have always made a difference and gone beyond what is expected of me and yet received disrespect. …

- A, South Africa

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Pray for Health

I have some major health issues from Covid – buzzing in my brain and Hashimoto’s. Please pray for …

- A, United States

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Prayer as I am struggling

I need all pain to come to an end. I want to be happy. I am struggling in every area of my life.

- C, Kenya

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Prayer for housing

Please help me pray for housing. I am in a woman’s refuge with my assistance dog. I came here as I …

- J, Australia

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Needing God to reveal the next steps

I have been in the UK for just over a year from South Africa and have been struggling with work. I …

- C, United Kingdom

6 🙏 1 📝

Protect my children

Please pray for the protection of my children. We are fighting to stop their pedophile father from …

- S, South Africa

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Prayer for my two daughters and myself

Please pray for my daughter suffering from severe depression. She is a teen mum who is suicidal. …

- J, United Kingdom

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Prayer for health and protection

Pray to save Seraphina, a golden retriever from abuse. Save Dr. Viola Cleo Bradshaw Queen of The …

- V, United States

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Difficulty at work, trouble with marriage, depress

The company I work for is about to demote me or let me go. This comes after 2 years of service, …

- Z, South Africa

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I come asking God to please guide me. I want to be led by God and shown all the ways he has for me. …

- T, United States

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Spiritual and financial breakthroughs

My siblings and I are carrying family curses which we don’t know. There are blockages in our lives. …

- O, Namibia

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Sale of our farm

We desperately need to sell our farm. Please pray that the Lord will send a suitable buyer who …

- M, South Africa

Christianityworks needs your prayers too! Thank you so much for praying with us! We know that together, we will see a mighty harvest. View this month's Prayer Focus
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Please pray for my wife and I; for a financial breakthrough to be able to purchase a property. We …

- E, South Africa

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Prayer for direction and God’s divine providence

I pray God takes control of my life. It is in chaos and an embarrassment. Whatever I do or try …

- G, South Africa

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Cancel the operation

It’s been 6 days and my ears are still watering. The doctor has said an operation is needed because …

- T, India

7 🙏 2 📝

Colonoscopy for Nephew with Cerebral Palsy

Please could I request prayers for my 36 year old nephew ‘S’. He has severe cerebral palsy & …

- D, Australia

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Spirit of excellence, wisdom, and insight

Lord, please help me set a high standard in terms of the quality of work and value that I provide …

- P, South Africa

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God’s protection at clients death inquest

I ask for a prayer of protection from our Father as I will be attending an inquest of a client who …

- L, United Kingdom

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Property not being released

There has been major delays in the execution of a Will in the family. Please pray for a …

- S, United Kingdom

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Marrying the right person, financial breakthrough

Good day. I firstly need spiritual guidance in regards to marrying the right person. Secondly, for …

- Y, Namibia

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Reach my spiritual goals

That I carry my cross in the right way to reach God’s plan for me and to see myself the way God …

- J, United States

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Spirit of excellence, wisdom, and insight

Lord, please help me set a high standard in terms of the quality of work and value that I provide …

- P, South Africa

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Thankyou Jesus

Thankyou Jesus for my husband.

- M, India

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Prayers for Protection

Hello my name is R asking for prayers for myself against witchcraft and lack of money. I have had …

- R, United States

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Salvation and revelation for my son

I have a grown son who recently shared he has bisexual tendencies. He is married and has a …

- M, United States

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Prayer for G

A family member ‘G’ keeps getting poisoned by our evil enemies. Please pray as he hasn’t eaten for …

- J, Australia

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I took out a loan from a co-operative bank to build my home. But I cannot repay the amount, because …

- R, India

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Anxiety and depression

Please pray that God would continue to heal me from all anxiety and depression soon. Pray that I …

- T, United States

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Desire to move on to eternity

My husband just passed away 3 months ago. We had been best friends for 48 years, married just 10 …

- V, United States

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Loving my Mum

Please pray that I will learn to love my Mum. I don’t know how to do it and I don’t understand why …

- A, United Kingdom

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Spiritual renewal

I pray for health in body, mind and spirit. In Jesus’ most holy name. Amen.

- B, Ireland

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Marriage Restoration

Please pray for God to guide and direct my steps as I stand in faith for God to restore my …

- K, United States

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New Executive Director

I work at an assisted living facility. Please pray that we get a new Executive Director. One that …

- J, United States

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Division in the family

Please pray for my kids and grandkids. My oldest ‘A’, her husband and kids dislike my youngest M’s …

- A, South Africa

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My children, specifically for my son

Please pray that my son will give his heart unconditionally to Jesus and repent of all his sins. …

- M, South Africa

Christianityworks needs your prayers too! Thank you so much for praying with us! We know that together, we will see a mighty harvest. View this month's Prayer Focus
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I am struggling in a certain area of my life, and spiritually I am lacking in my faith. And it …

- A, South Africa

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Mental illness

I am in a mental health hospital recovering from severe depression. Please pray for me to be …

- L, Australia

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I want to thank everyone who prayed for me. I got a dentist appointment at the end of the month.

- C, United States

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Prayer Request from “A”

Please pray with me for my partner, he has been dealing with health problems, he needs prayer for …

- A, Australia

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Thank you for praying!

To submit a prayer request … click on the orange button, fill in the fields and submit. Your personal details will remain confidential and will never be displayed or shared.

Your prayer request will then be vetted by one of our team, usually within 24 hrs. Remember it will be seen by others (albeit anonymously) so keep the language and content appropriate.

Once approved, your prayer request will appear on the site. People will indicate that they’ve prayed for you by clicking the prayer icon on your prayer request. They can leave comments (which you can later view) by clicking on the comment icon. The counters will tell you how many people have prayed for you or left words of encouragement.

And for each prayer request that you leave, please pray for at least 3 other people and leave at least one word of encouragement.

The only sort of prayer the Bible teaches about is the sort that has powerful results!

The Lord bless you heaps!!!

Make your Prayer Request

We'd love to pray for you! Simply fill in the form below and our prayer team will join you in bringing your request to the Lord.

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