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27 🙏

Deliverance From Masturbation

Added 7 months ago

I am a 22-year-old young man. I have struggled with masturbating since 2018 and request that you pray for me to be delivered. I have tried to pray and fast, but it hasn’t changed much. Also, please pray for me to get a permanent job so I can meet my daily needs. I am not currently working, and I have just finished a bachelor’s in social work and project management last July 2023. Please help me.

- M

8 responses


Father God,please help M in his struggles with masturbation,and open up the way for him to get a good job,and let him feel your presence leading him every day.In Jesus’name.Amen

6 months ago



6 months ago


Lord Jesus I pray that you will help M in his struggles with masturbation. May you give him strength and strategies to help. Lord Jesus could you please provide him with a godly Christian brother who can support him and be accountable to him. Also lord could you also supply M with suitable employment in his field of expertise. Thank you Jesus that as our great high priest that you know our weaknesses and intercede for us with the Father in heaven. We’re so thankful.

6 months ago


Praying god leads you to the right people to help you.
I had the same addiction. I am 10years sober in this area. I went to Sexaholics anonymous. Blessings my brother.

6 months ago


Hi M 🙏 As as young man you in a developmental stage which is normal to have hormonal changes and usually one would find release in a healthy marriage relationship. But as a single young man it is difficult to control the urges. Sometimes and it can become an addiction. One has to make a conscious decision to break the habit of mastubation. Decide to do so 1 day at a time. Say NO! to the thoughts in your mind. Replace the habit with excersise or other forms of entertainment. You need the help of a Christian Male Counsellor. Speak to a leader in your church or community who can walk alongside you to overcome the lust of the flesh. Also see if you can volunteer at a Non Profit or at church while you praying for a job. Doors often open through those channels. May God be gracious and give you the strength to overcome the lust of the flesh and give you a job soon. And also a good wife in the future to enjoy a healthy marriage. The hymn one day at a time sweet Jesus comes to mind. Be strong and couragous. 🙏

6 months ago


May you find strength to overcome all.

6 months ago


1Cor.3:16-17 🙇‍♀️🙏

6 months ago


I pray for you M that you be healed and that you find permanent work to meet your daily needs. 🙏🏻

7 months ago

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