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28 🙏

My Wife R

Added 7 months ago

Please pray for T and R. R’s health has been very bad for several years now, and they have asked us to pray for them for the complete restoration of R’s health. The condition is from bad reactions to medication… A miracle is needed.

- T

9 responses


Dear Child of God, I stand with you in your prayers for T and R. Lord, I lift T and R to You and thank You for this couple. Thank You for their marriage. I pray especially for R and the reactions that she is experiencing with her medications. Lord, I pray for a miracle for R. Lord, will You flush the meds out of her body and replace them with the Holy Spirit anointing of healing. I pray that she will experience Your complete healing and know without doubt that You have moved in her life. I pray that T and R will be witnesses to an amazing miracle. Bring Your love, hope and healing into their situation and minister to them in the areas that are broken that only You know about. Strengthen their faith and let them rise up on wings of eagles. Thank You for Your mighty power. Be exalted in their lives. Amen.

4 months ago


Praying for healing of body, mind and spirit for R and T. May our Lord grant you your heart’s desire,

6 months ago


Lord Jesus thank you that you’re our healer, saviour and King. I ask that you would heal T’s S wife R from the reaction to her medication. May her healing being ultimate praise to you, a witness to others that you are God.

6 months ago


Dear Lord
We pray for total restoration and healing of R’s health. Through the blood of Jesus there is power and blessings and by His stripes we believe and pray that R is healed.
Through Your Love Jesus May T and R enter into s new and restored season in their marriage together in that You will restore the years that the canker worm tried to destroy but he is misery defeated for the Battle belongs to the Lord and He has already won it for T and R at Calvary and at the empty tomb. So this is the Victory we have through faith in Him, the Eternal Father Who first Loved us. In Jesus Name Amen.

7 months ago


Lord Jesus your word says we are healed by your stripes and your precious blood. And by your sacrifice on the cross you have died so that we may have life. I speak life and healing over R & T and pray that they will walk in divine life in Jesus name. Amen.
Dear T & R speak healing words over your lives daily and trust God to be faithful to his word. Blessings to you both. 🙏

7 months ago


Father God,
I Pray for complete Health and Healing for your children. I pray for Restoration and Peace in every area of their lives

7 months ago



7 months ago


Dear Lord. We pray for your healing power upon T and R. Help them be restored and to have peace during this difficult time. Surround them with your love and give comfort to their family members. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

7 months ago


Proverb 3:23 🙇‍♂️🙌

7 months ago

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