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27 🙏

I’ve Been Struggling with Some Sin

Added 8 months ago

I need my faith renewed. I don’t want to mess around with any sin in my life. I do struggle to ask God to remember me according to His mercy. I want to have a simple faith, not try to work through my past, and not be unhappy because I am struggling with old patterns again. I need prayer to find another job closer to where I live. I always struggle with my thoughts, but it has wrecked a lot of my belief. I need God’s grace to help me again and appreciate others’ prayers. Thanks.

- R

9 responses


Dear Child of God, I stand with you in your prayer and thank God for You. Lord, will You strengthen R and fan into a mighty flame the spark of faith within R’s heart. I pray that the words of the Scriptures will be hidden within the heart that R might not sin against You. Thank You that R is a new creature in You and the old things have passed away. Lord, You require us to be living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to You but thank You that Your Word reminds us that if we sin and repent You are faithful and just and will forgive us our sins. You also provide a way out for us to take when the enemy confronts us with sin. You take our sin and cast it away as far as the east is from the west and You choose to remember it no more. You give us a robe of righteousness and the full armour of God is at our disposal. Lord, I pray that R will be strengthened to be bold and courageous. To make a stand before the enemy, to submit to You, resist the enemy and he will go. I pray that R will have Godly people to be a support. Nothing is a surprise to God and nothing is too difficult for God. We read in the Word that we are to cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us. Lord, enable R to cast all these cares onto You and begin to live in Your freedom. Fill R’s heart with Your love and joy. Create a clean heart within R and restore to R the wonderful joy of Your salvation. May R’s life be changed and may R bring glory to You. Amen.

5 months ago


Lord God, thank you that are saviour, thank you hear request and keep from sin, in Jesus name amen.

7 months ago


What a beautiful,humble prayer request!!
God’s grace in the Lord Jesus Christ is what we all need .stay in his word and keep 😁

7 months ago


Isaiah 41:3
Do not fear, I will help you

8 months ago


I pray that Jesus will intercede and help you ‘take every thought captive to the obediance of him.

8 months ago


Repeat daily ‘ I overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony’. Rev 12:11 🙇‍♀️🙏

8 months ago


Please remember, Ask God for Grace and believe, and you will receive Grace. Amen You are in my thoughts and prayers with your new journey with Jesus.

8 months ago


Dear R., U.K.
R., Child of God Almighty, in the here-&-now is where you are…with this in mind, remember to make good wholesome Christ-like choices.
Psalm 84:11
The Lord God is a sun & shield;
The Lord bestows favour & honour,
No good thing does He withhold from those
whose walk is blameless.
Luke 11:28
[Jesus] replied “Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God
Obey it.”
Psalm 119:15
I meditate on Your precepts
Consider your ways.
Ephesians 2:4-5
Because of His great love for us, God Who is rich in mercy,
made us alive with Christ,
even when we were dead in transgressions –
it is by Grace you have been saved.

For your past…remember
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is Faithful & Just
Will Forgive our sins & purify us from all unrighteousness.

8 months ago


God hear you and loves you. Just let go and let Him love and care for you
My prayers is with you!!

8 months ago

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