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28 🙏

Freedom from Lust

Added 8 months ago

Hi there,

I’ve been married for a year and have a baby on the way.

Recently, I’ve been working in the CBD, and there are lots of attractive women walking around, and I find myself looking at them.

I sometimes reminisce about my single days.

I want to be free from lust and also stay off cannabis. I’ve been sober for 5 months. I never want to go back and have a closer relationship with the Lord.

Thank you.

- S

9 responses


Dear Child of God, I stand with you in your prayers and thank God for you and the many blessings that He has given you. Thank You, Lord for S’ marriage and new baby. Thank You, Lord, for for S’ job but most of all thank You, Lord, for S’ salvation bought at a great price. Father God, I lift my brother to You and thank You that in Your Word You tell us that when we sin and repent You are faithful and just and forgive us and lead us into all righteousness. We also read that You have given us the armour of God to help us in our fight. We do not fight flesh and blood but the fight is in the heavenly realm. I pray that my brother will put on the armour of God that when the enemy tries to tempt him he will be forced back by the sword of truth and the shield of faith. May my brother know the peace and love of Jesus. Lord, may this family unit grow in strength and power. I pray that they will stand on the foundation of Jesus and grow closer to You and each other. May S be set free from the bonds that are tying him and bring Your freedom into his life. Thank You that You came to set people free so that they will be free indeed. I pray that S will bring You glory and honour in his life and marriage. Amen.

5 months ago


S , Temptation are there for Us All . But We have to realize we have responsibilities now especially with a baby on the way . That baby will grow up and need you as parents for advice in life .
Would you advise them to do something that could make them a single or absent parent !
That is what’s going to happen !
Read Ezekiel Ch 18 ;verse 24 and verse 30 to32 .
I Pray that “God” guide’s you away from the lustful desires of the Devil and brings You back to love and cherish the family God has blessed You With .
I ask this In The Precious Name Of Jesus.
Amen 🙏🙏🙏.

8 months ago


May the Holy spirit protect you from all evil thoughts which satan is tempting you with.Pray for wisdom & discernment.In Jesus Most Holy Name.Amen.

8 months ago


I pray that in your understanding you will know clearly the vulnerable situation you are in, for it is at this point as you strengthen in Christ that this temptation will beseige you, I pray that you will keep your eyes upon God, and know clearly the only possible outcomes of acting on these temptations, you will have seen great people fall and never recover. Receive God’s strength and power in Jesus name

8 months ago



8 months ago


Young man, look around your CBD & see that what you have in your home, someone who loves you & is carrying your baby. Tell Jesus He is your role model & ask him to please strengthen you. Ask the Holy Spirit to control your thoughts. He is so good at that. Your Heavenly Father loves you so much. T.

8 months ago


I’m praying that God will free you completely of your bad desires. When these thoughts come in your mind, just say, get behind me Satan. I’m a child of God. Lust only satisfies for a brief time. Being without God will last for eternity. Is it worth it? Pray to God to overcome evil desires and He will free you. Amen

8 months ago


Hi, as a man I get this. In the world we live in it is very easy to get fixated on the opposite sex. But you said the fix to your problem at the end of your statement, I want a closer relationship with God, or Jesus Christ you said. Bingo that’s it! Dive deep into his word, and I suggest a good Bible commentary along with your Bible I use the Moody Bible commentary here in the US.
Something I think we get condemned on is Looking and lusting are two different things I was told once that second look is sin and it very well may be. Another thing is imagine what it would do to your wife if you were to act out on this, and I’m not saying you are, just put yourself in her shoes. I’m not condemning you I’m trying to point you in the right direction, and that direction is Jesus Christ. Take a big step, dive into the word with your wife her and include her in everything, pray with her, read the Bible with her, go to church with her. Honor her! I speak healing over your situation, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen.

8 months ago


1John 1:7 🙇‍♀️🙏

8 months ago

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