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My Boyfriend’s Bad Habits

Added 7 months ago

Prayer for my boyfriend, Tobi, to stop smoking and cut off bad friends or friends that do not belong in his life. Prayer for him to face God and be called by God, to be born again this month.

- N

4 responses


Dear Child of God, I stand with you in your prayers for your boyfriend, Tobi. Lord, I thank You for N and pray that N will continue to walk strongly with You and know Your blessings in her life. Thank You for the love and care shown to Tobi. I lift Tobi to You and pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare his heart for the Gospel of truth to be planted. Lord, we read in Your Word that when we seek You we will find You. Lord, will You pique Tobi’s curiosity and cause him to search after You and find You. I pray that You will reveal Yourself to Him in a way that he will know that it has to be You calling him out of darkness and into Your wonderful light. I pray that You will keep Your hand upon him until the day of his salvation when we will rejoice with the angels. I pray that N will pray unceasingly for Your Will to be done in his life. I pray that as N seeks first Your kingdom and Your righteousness then all things will be added to her life. May their spiritual lives become entwined in love for You and as they focus on You may Tobi begin to break away from the influences of the enemy in his life and turn towards the truth. I pray that the ‘bad’ friends will be challenged by Tobi and his new faith and want to know about it. I pray that they too will be brought into the Kingdom of light. Lord, please put Your protection over N and Tobi and may they become strong in You and live lives that honour You. Amen.

3 months ago


Please pray over your boyfriend this verse daily by inserting his name. Col 1:13 🙇‍♀️🙏

6 months ago


May the Lord fill him with His Holy Spirit.Also, pray for his healing.In Jesus Most Holy Name.Amen.

7 months ago


I pray that someone will come in his live and lead him to God!!!

7 months ago

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