Death and Sin
Added 8 months ago
I pray that I can live on for the greater good. That I can be freed from the past. To live on with happiness and meaning, in honour of lost friends and family. Help me to live each day free from sin.
- T
Added 8 months ago
I pray that I can live on for the greater good. That I can be freed from the past. To live on with happiness and meaning, in honour of lost friends and family. Help me to live each day free from sin.
- T
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2 responses
Our heavenly Father. Please free and heal T from the past and bestow your blessings on T. Comfort T and let your heavenly angel’s surround T with love and happiness and give T the strength and wisdom to follow Jesus Christ and be free of sin
8 months ago
Loving Heavenly Father
Thank you for Ts heart and prayer request to honour loved ones departed, this dear child though previously wandering around in sin for years yet the gladness in knowing they have now been touched and enlightened by your amazing love and Grace. As far as the east is from the west is how far you have thrown our sins.! You have exchanged on the cross the punishment of our sins for your righteousness and everlasting Life , an indescribable gift of love has been given to us by You.
Help T to walk every day with you Jesus with happiness in the knowledge and understanding of your Grace. Help T to put the past behind and to walk the rest of their life overcoming sin by the blood of the lamb and the Word of their testimony declaring that Jesus saves. May they daily meditate on Your Word trusting You in obedience and may the Holy Spirit bring alongside the right people to encourage them in their faith walk with you. Lord please guide them into the purpose that You have planned for the rest of their life in honour and praise to You. In Jesus Name we pray Amen.
8 months ago
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