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Added 3 months ago

I disappointed God so many times in different ways and to move forward I need to forgive myself and know that God has forgiven me.

- J

7 responses


I pray Jesus blood over you and your family

3 months ago


In Lamentations it says that your mercies are new every morning great is your faithfulness. I thank you Jesus that you are a faithful and forgiving God. I ask that J will experience and accept the forgiveness granted to her by your death on the cross. Nothing that J does can change that fact. When J came to you in genuine repentance her sins were forgiven. In your word it also says that you forget our sins. I pray that J will learn to forgive herself and receive your grace to resist the temptation to habitually sin. I ask this in your name Amen.

3 months ago


I pray God forgives your sins and blesses you with people who can help you grow in faith x
For more inspiration check out Youversion website for plans to follow and continue to follow Christianity works daily devotion x

God bless 🙏🏻

3 months ago


Thank you Jesus that you are our great high priest who sympathises with our weaknesses. I pray that J will believe the truth of your word and not feelings that you forgive our sins when we repent and ask you to forgive us. Your shed blood on the cross has done that for us. In your word it says that without the shedding of blood there’s no remission of sin. I ask that you would cause J to rest in you to draw closer to you and receive strength when tempted to sin. I ask this in your name, amen.

3 months ago


I agree with W. I can’t think of anywhere in the Bible where we’re told to forgive ourselves. If you think about it, it could actually be a form of idolatry. When we think we need to forgive ourselves (and I’m in no way pointing a finger at you; I sometimes struggle with this too!), we are putting ourselves in the place of God. We need God’s forgiveness, not ours. And praise him he offers it in abundance! Our Lord and Savior took all of your sins and mine to the cross and dealt with them there. And when He cried out “It is finished!”, what he meant was “It is FINISHED!” So I just encourage you to seek Jesus’ forgiveness, because he offers it freely to those who by faith believe in Him and cry out to Him for that forgiveness. Like W said, seek out verses that confirm God’s love for us, and the forgiveness we have in Christ. Here’s a couple…”If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) “The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” {Psalm 145:8)
God bless you brother/sister.

3 months ago


God has forgiven you. Receive his forgiveness. He says he forgives our sins and does not remember it any more. The devil is a liar and he operates in your mind and accuses one of sin. Seek Bible verses of God’s forgiveness and grace. And say it out loud every day. Jesus died and is alive and interceding on our behalf in heaven. Jesus died so that all our sins can be forgiven. Past and future sins is washed away by the blood of Jesus. Walk in divine life. God bless 🙏

3 months ago


God has forgiven you. Receive his forgiveness. He says he forgives our sins and does not remember it any more. The devil is a liar and he operates in your mind and acuses one of sin. Seek Bible verses of God’s forgiveness and grace. And say it out loud every day. Jesus died and is alive and interceding on our behalf in heaven. Jesus died so that all our sins can be forgiven. Past and future sins is washed away by the blood of Jesus. Walk in divine life. God bless 🙏

3 months ago

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