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13 🙏

In Need of God’s Support and Guidance

Added 5 months ago

Hi Folks!

I have recently returned to Jesus. Since then, I feel like I can’t see or hear God’s voice and have no idea what his plan is for me or my wife.

Our relationship is rocky and I can’t find work. My brother is dealing with Stage 4 lung cancer. One sister’s marriage seems to be in trouble, though she seems to be withholding details. It feels like there is a constant barrage of things going wrong. I’m turning 51 next month and feel like my life should be more together than this.

I also feel like I should be stronger right now, but I’m not. I cry at the slightest provocation. I need God to show us what the direction is and to assure us that he is going to look after us. If God could move her to get us to a church on a Sunday, that would be awesome as well!

Many thanks, A.

- A

2 responses


Just Let go and let God. TRUST HIM God will hear you and is always with you and your family. The enemy want to stand between you and GOD. Let your loving Father deal with him.🙏👼👼👼

4 months ago


Dear Lord. I pray for A and their family. May they be strengthened by your love and grow in faith together to help each other heal. May the Holy Spirit guide each one of them through their trials and help them to take the path that you have for them. Pour your blessings out to each one of them in Jesus name we pray amen

5 months ago

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