Please Pray For My Elderly Parents
Added 2 months ago
Hi, I would really appreciate prayer for my elderly parents. My father has dementia and has been progressing to the point where he wants to go home to a different house every night. My mother is his full-time carer. Recently, she has developed a nasty cough, which has affected her lungs. Please pray for them both physically and mentally but, more importantly, spiritually. Thank you.
- M
1 response
Our Father God In Heaven hallowed be your name. I Pray that You come to those this night who seek God’s help in the caring for their loved ones here on earth 🌍 . He will never forsake us if we truly believe In Jesus Christ His One And Only Son Our Saviour .
M Keep Praying and believing to God .
Amen 🙏 .
1 month ago
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