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Mayo Clinic Will Accept Me

Added 3 years ago

2 yrs ago we purchased a 3 story townhome. Running down the stairs, I slipped, broke my right foot in half. Had major surgery, but for the next 2 years the foot did not heal properly. I had a second surgery and last December had nails, plates removed, third surgery. Not a typical senior at 73, I would power walk, roller/ice skate, life guard, Sunday School teacher, VP of condo board, this year went back to school. My life has changed, my doctor claims he can no longer help me. My spouse and I tithe to our church, financially support a child in Brazil and Kenya. Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN is my last hope. We constantly pray for healing of my body, but also realize God created doctors to help us. Please stand in prayer with us in prayer that Mayo Clinic will accept my request for a second opinion and find if a major nerve was severed or worst. Just want my life back, we send our love and may God bless you all for praying with us. The Washington’s ❤️🙏🏽

- A

2 responses


Dear Child of God I stand with you in your prayer. Lord, I lift A to You and thank You for the situation that A is in. I thank You that You made every part of A’s body to Your specifications and we see that right now that body is broken. I pray that A will rest in Your peace right now. We know that You are able to heal and we trust in You. Lord, even if Your healing is not forthcoming we know that You are always aware and in control. You are still Lord of all and King of kings. We know that You love us so much that You want us to experience life in all its fullness. We have our own idea of how that should be but our thoughts are not Your thoughts and our ways are not Your ways. I pray that You will show A Your perfect plan and the next step towards You. Let A develop a wonderful, anointing of Your Holy Spirit and be filled with Your wisdom. We know that You are made perfect in our weaknesses so I pray that A will trust in Your timing. Be glorified through this situation. Let A wait and see what You will do. Amen.

2 years ago


Dear A,
You are a child of God and He loves you very much. Healing and restoration is your portion in Jesus name. Our dear Heavenly Father reminds us in Jeremiah 32:27″ Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” Keep trusting and praying. All is well. May God bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you. Jesus really loves you. Do not let your present circumstances tell you otherwise.

3 years ago

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