Thank You for Many Blessings
Added 4 months ago
God, I thank you for blessing the work of my hands and for sending me the best work from the best clients who always pay on time. Thank you, Lord, for being my provider! Please grant me wisdom, creativity, insight and a spirit of excellence to advise my clients correctly. Holy Spirit, guide me to work efficiently, and swiftly, and to submit my work on time while being an excellent representative of Your kingdom.
God, thank you for giving me the intelligence to perform my work correctly and skillfully. Lord, may my work be distinguishable and of the highest quality, surpassing others in my field. Aid me in becoming prominent in my field. Let everything I say, do, and write be guided and inspired by your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen
- P
2 responses
As my memory is failing me , I thank God for young people like You spreading the Good News Of Jesus Christ The Son Of God around the world 🌎 For The Salvation Of God’s Chosen People !
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
4 months ago
Dear P.
In agreement with your prayer.
Habakkuk 3:18
Yet I will rejoice in The Lord,
I will joy in The God of my salvation.
Matthew 10:8b
Freely you have received,
Freely give.
4 months ago
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