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33 🙏

Anxiety Overload

Added 7 months ago

I have always struggled with anxiety and now have an expensive, practical issue that I need to get resolved with my house, but it is proving complicated and my anxiety is spiralling, and it is affecting my sleep, and hanging over me all day like a dark cloud.

- A

8 responses


Dear Child of God, I stand with you in your prayers and pray that the Lord will bring you His assurance of love and peace. Lord, I thank You for A and pray that You will bring calmness out of the chaos. Thank You that You call us to learn from You and take Your burden that is easy and light. Lord, will You teach us to bring our anxieties to Your cross and leave them with You. You also teach us that we will add nothing to our lives by worrying so, Lord, we bring our worries to You. I lift to You A’s practical issue that is draining all A’s energy. Lord, You hold our lives in Your hands and You care for every part of our lives. I pray that You will show A the way forward and guide A to a resolution. As A seeks first Your kingdom and Your righteousness then all things will be added to A’s life. I also pray for the Holy Spirit to pour the oil of healing into A’s life with regards to anxiety. Lord, thank You that You came to set the captives free and anxiety is bringing A into captivity by clouding A’s thoughts and emotions. Bringing thoughts of anxiety and fear where Your thoughts of peace and love should abide. We read in Your Word that we are to take every thought captive in order to honour God. I pray that A will stand firmly on Your promises that You are Jehovah Jireh and You will provide. Strengthen A by Your mighty power and help A to intentionally live the life of an overcomer in Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Will You draw A close to You that A may rest under the shadow of Your wings. Bring Your victory to A’s life that A can rejoice in You and bring You all the glory. Amen.

3 months ago


May our God of peace bring His peace into your present situation.

6 months ago


Dear Lord I pray that A is able to find peace and relief from their anxieties. That their issues with their home are resolved. That they continue to seek you as their refuge. May they have the peace that only you can provide. In Jesus precious name we pray. Amen

6 months ago


Dear A I can sympathise with you x
The thoughts are always worst then doing the actual practical , please take one step and one issue at a time x
I pray God will ease your anxious worrying thoughts, place kind people in your life who can help x
God bless 🙏🏻

Please check out Youversion website for plans to follow, these have helped me and hopefully may help you too x

6 months ago


Psalm 29:11 🙇‍♀️🙏

6 months ago


May God Grant you peace that surpasses understanding and not be anxious for anything. Philippians 4:13

7 months ago


Dear friend In Christ Jesus, I’m praying for you to be freed of your fears and trust that God will give you the answers to resolve all of your issues. Amen

7 months ago


Give God al your worries and let Him solve it for you. We sometimes forget the loving power of our Father by holdind on to our troubles let go and Let God!!!

7 months ago

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