Pray For My Son To Return Home
Added 1 month ago
Heavenly Father, with a heavy heart, I come before you today, pleading for the safe return of my 16-year-old son. Guide his steps, protect him from harm, and draw him back to our loving home. Fill his heart with your love and a desire to come back to us. We pray that you will bring him home soon to where he belongs. Bless my son with faith. Bless my son with healing from the grief. Bless my son with purity in mind, body, and spirit. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏
- L
2 responses
I pray that the Lord our God change his mind and lead your son’s way so he will come back to you.
I pray that all the misundstanding be cleared out and your son will return home to you. Amen
2 weeks ago
Dear L , We Pray To Our Farther who Art In Heaven , please guide this loved one back to His loving caring people . We ask this In Jesus Christ’s Precious Name . Amen 🙏🙏🙏
3 weeks ago
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