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16 🙏


Added 2 years ago

It’s been over 5 years since I last saw my daughters, since then I have completed the teen challenge programme, gotten married, I have been clean from alcohol, and smoking now for 3 years. I have a really good job working within the ministry of Teen Challenge. I love Jesus so much and I thank him everyday for all that he has restored back into my life the only thing that is missing is being part of my daughters’ lives even though they are grown up I still write to them but my ex wife is still very bitter towards me I have asked for forgiveness and I just pray that one day her heart will be softened and I am allowed to see my daughters again. Gods timing is perfect but the mire people that pray the more chance I will see a breakthrough. Amen 🙏

- A

2 responses


Dear Child of God, I feel your emotions. Full of thankfulness to the Lord for all He has done and is going to do and also full of hope for the reconciliation with your daughters. Father God, I thank You for the change that You have brought about in A’s life and together we agree for a wonderful reconciliation with his daughters. Lord, You alone know the hurts of the past and the roots of bitterness that may be growing in their lives and the lives of their mother. I pray that You will open their eyes to the transformation of A and see the different man that he now is. I pray that You will break down the walls that they may have built around their hearts and that they will be open to meeting with A. We know that You heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds so we pray that all the wounds in this situation will be bound up by the Holy Spirit and Your love will begin to restore their hearts. Thank You for A’s faith that he has found in You. May he be a mighty man of God. A trailblazer in the job You have given him. Thank You also for all the love that he has for the precious children in his life. Anoint him and let peace and forgiveness be offered and accepted in Your Name and for Your glory. Amen.

2 years ago


Praying for a supernatural breakthrough for healing and reconciliation of these relationships. God has a plan and He is in control. Please be encouraged and know that people are praying with you and love you brother.

2 years ago

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