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Mental illness

Added 4 months ago

I am in a mental health hospital recovering from severe depression. Please pray for me to be stabilised and for my husband to be healed and strengthened too, as he is a young Christian. I need breaking of these patterns in my life. Thanks for your faithfulness in praying. You are so appreciated.

- L

2 responses


Dear L , The hymn ; I need thee oh I need thee every hour I need thee oh bless me now my Saviour I come to thee !
I Pray we take this as a prayer in Our individual situations and apply it into our lives also .
In Jesus Precious Name be near Us I Pray . Amen 🙏

4 months ago


This week I’ve been reading what Corrie ten Boom learned when she was going through the darkest of days as a prisoner during World War II. I offer this passage-
” I learned that I was not called upon to bear the grief and cares of the whole world around me… I was also learning to pray… It means leaving our burden of cares with Him and going on without it. That day I had been very stupid : I had gathered up all my cares, and after prayer the burden had seemed twice as heavy as it had before. And so I prayed -”Lord teach me to cast all my burdens upon Thee and go on without them. Only Thy Spirit can teach me that lesson. Give me Thy Spirit O Lord and I shall have faith, such faith that I shall no longer carry a load of care”.
The Lord knows you and your family’s situation. I pray that you will all sense the comfort of His love and presence, as He guides and strengthens and heals you.
Cast your cares upon the Lord for He cares about you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully 1 Peter 5:7 (AMP) God bless you, and may the Lord make His face to shine upon you Amen

4 months ago

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