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Freedom from Bondage

Added 7 months ago

I have tried for 28 years to stop smoking, up to 60 times. I believe it will happen on 7 March 2024. Please pray and give hope. 🤞 It is my Achilles’ heel.

- S

5 responses


Our lungs are for breathing air . Thank you God in Jesus’s name that you will no longer even think of smoking again ! It will happen , because God loves you , you are precious in his sight !! PLEASE BELIEVE IN MIRACLES . HE , YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN IS A MIRACLE – WORKING GOD . example : He draws near to the broken hearted , I was sitting outside in the garden , weeping , because I was missing my family . Looking at the flowers and small white butterflies going from one to another . I said to God “what has happened to the large colorful ones from years ago ? ” Then there appeared a beautiful large orange and black butterfly ! very close on a branch . Then going to different flowers , but staying near . I wept tears of joy , remembering Jesus’s words ” I will never leave you , nor forsake you ” He Is Real .!! And is with you during this difficult time . God Bless .

6 months ago


Please pray this verse over your life daily
Psalm 97:10b 🙇‍♀️🙏

6 months ago


Dear S., Australia
Your integrity to continue your walk with God is your Achilles.
Psalm 41:12
Because of my integrity You uphold me
& set me in Your Presence forever.
Job 8:21
{God} Will yet fill your mouth with laughter & your lips with shouts of joy.
1 Peter 1:8-9
Though you have not seen Him,
you love Him, & even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him
& are filled with an inexpressible & glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your soul.

N., Australia (ex-smoker 😊)

7 months ago


Hi, I also had the same problem.
I tried for years to give up smoking .
I even prayed for help .
Then one day I just give it up .
It does drive us to despair when we just can not kick the habit of smoking ,however its willpower and the trust in God.
I think it was more God than my willpower.
Im just saying to you that have full belive in God and trust him completly .
Sometimes it can be the thought of giving up that is more scary than the actual giving up .
Please ask The Holy Ghost each morning to help you give it up .
I will also pray for you as I know how it feels
God bless you and I ask our Lord God to give you the strength you need ,the willpower needed with no desire to smoke ever again in Jesus name Thank you God

7 months ago


Lord, I see your power at work in my brothers life. As you have done for me you will do it for him too! As you prepare for 7 March it would be great to remove all reminders of your old habit for eg. ashtrays, empty ciggie boxes, etc. You could also plan some events on that day with non-smoker friends to encourage you. Bless you

7 months ago

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