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13 🙏

Protect my children

Added 2 months ago

Please pray for the protection of my children. We are fighting to stop their pedophile father from gaining access to them and are walking through the legal process which is slow and unpredictable. Please pray for the children’s protection and for God to grant wisdom to the Judges appointed to our case. Thank you!

- S

4 responses


Amen Amen glory to Him!!!He will protect you and your family 🙏🙏🙏🙏

1 month ago


Dear S., South Africa
Joining you in agreement for our Sovereign Lord God YAHWEH protection over your children & every aspect of justice & judicial system for protecting your precious children.
Psalm 145:20
The Lord watches over all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy
Deuteronomy 33:27
The eternal God is your refuge, and
Underneath are The Everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying: “Destroy him!”
For the children belonging to S.
Isaiah 54:13
All your children will be taught by
The Lord and GREAT will be their Peace.
Job 8:21
God will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.
Jeremiah 30:17
“I Will restore you to health and
Heal your wounds,” declares The Lord

1 month ago


Heavenly Father
I pray that you will put a hedge of protection around these children as well as their mother. May this case go through the court very soon. Grant wisdom to the Judge You have appointed. May Justice and an appropriate sentence be given to the father. Change his heart Lord. May he truly experience Your abundant mercy that will bring true repentance through finding God’s amazing and transforming Grace and forgiveness in his life. Heal the emotional damage caused to the whole family. You are a miracle working God and only You can truly make the crooked ways smooth and heal the broken hearted and turn sinners into saints. Thank You Lord Jesus. In Your Holy Name we pray. Amen

1 month ago


Dear M
I stand in agreement with you that God will remove the ungodly man from your lives. Protect the children. And heal your hearts. And deliver you from evil in Jesus name. I pray that our heavenly father will give his angels charge over you and the children. Please plead the precious blood of Jesus out loud over the children and yourself so that you are protected from evil. On a practical note. Join a spirit filled church and get support from the pastor and godly women. Secondly, please go to a counsellor to help you and the children to deal with the emotional harm caused. Lastly but very important get a court order ASAP to forbid that the man comes near to the children and you. I pray that a godly judge will rule in your favour and all your prayers to be answered in Jesus name. Love W.L South Africa

1 month ago

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