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15 🙏

Wisdom With Prophetic Acts

Added 2 months ago

Please pray for the hardness of my heart. I have prophetic convictions from the Holy Spirit to do bizarre things in public settings, such as shaving my head, etc. I find it hard to surrender to this due to its radical nature. Things such as walking around with a cross and agreeing to do things that would cause a backlash.

I literally can not take anymore. I’m a year into sobriety, and I have such a loving family. I don’t want to hurt them again by going into addiction. I feel so much pressure. Every day has beauty, but it also feels like I am living in hell. Thank you for your prayers. I am not trying to persuade anybody this is the Lord as I am confident it is. Please help.

- S

3 responses


God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac, A God of strenght and peace. Lord i want to lift your child and bind all the dark forces and release him into your presence!
Lord help them to find the strenght in you and allow them to lift up their cross daily.

2 weeks ago


Please Lord may S find strength and the Peace that passes all understanding. May He draw from You and Your Word every day as the Holy Spirit guides them into all truth. Remind S that You haven’t given them a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind so anything that creates torment is not from You. Keep them safe and keep their family happy and safe and secure in You. May they find comfort and assurance in what Your Love has done for them and may their guidance come from simply obeying Your Word and not from some feeling that oppresses from outside. In Jesus Name Amen. Please read Romans 12.

4 weeks ago


Lord God I ask that you would guide S in all your ways. May you confirm your will through your word , signs and Godly counsel. May S seek your strength through your holy Spirit and his Christian church family to support S through his sobriety journey. Lord your word encourages us to abide in you. To draw our strength from you.

1 month ago

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