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Prayers for Guidance and Hope

Added 2 months ago

Dearest prayer group,

Thank you for accepting my prayers as I’m desperately in need for some guidance from our Jesus.

Kindly can you hold my family give them guidance and strength. I pray for myself as well for so wisdom and guidance in the circumstances that I’m in that God will help me and hold my hand through this trial.

As mention in my previous prayers, I’m seeking and locuming working to earn some money for my financial survival. In Jesus name, I pray that you will answer my humble request to pray for permanent employment as this will financially sustain my child and my future. I pray in Jesus name.

Please join me in this trial. My motivation and hope is decreasing but I’m holding on thanks to our Lord. Thank you for this platform to lay my burdens and share it with your team.

Pray for my family and me
I thank you – Amen

- M

4 responses


God is with you and your family 🙏🙏🙏

1 month ago


Dear M., South Africa,

Lord Yahweh Almighty,
Nothing is too hard for You
Nothing is impossible to You
as You have heard M’s prayers along side with ours, Thank you that
“You will keep in perfect peace those (including M.) whose minds are steadfast because they (M.,) trust in You.” Isaiah 26:3

Praise AbbaFather for the strength to M. You provide
Isaiah 41:10
“ Do not fear , for I AM with you;
do not he dismayed, for I AM your God,
I Will strengthen you& help you
I will uphold you with My righteous
Right hand.”
Philippians 4:19
My Gid will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.”
Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.”

Praise Your unfailing love & everlasting Faithfulness towards your Your Beloved Child M., South Africa

1 month ago


Loving Heavenly Father
Thank You for Your graciousness and goodness to M and this precious family who believes in Your Son Jesus as Saviour and Lord. You promise that You will not put us through more than (You know) we can handle, please help M to continue to let patience have its perfect work in them in trusting You to provide all of the family’s needs and that includes a full time job that pays even more than enough to provide for Ms child. May M cast all cares on You, Lord fill them with Your peace and the joy and blessed assurance in knowing that You will always be with them. In Jesus Wonderful Name Amen.
Please read Hebrews 13 v 5 and 6

1 month ago


May The Lord Bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you peace and the things that you need according to His will and His amazing plan for you.
In Jesus’ name I humbly ask and pray

1 month ago

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The Lord bless you heaps!!!

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