Pray For Soft Hearts
Added 2 weeks ago
Please pray that my brain damage will heal. Pray that I, V C B, would see an end to spiritual violence about me having long hair. Pray for my dad, A B B, as he really needs to heal a dream for the lost to sell his artwork. May he have inspiration, truth and spiritual visions. Pray he puts an end to smoking habits.
Pray that I get deep sleep, dreams and God’s love, protection and deep peace. Pray for Dr V C B and open doors of communication in her heart. Heal brokenheartedness, hardheartedness and or coldheartedness. ” … and he passed by Moses proclaiming Jehovah the Lord God, gracious and merciful, abounding in love, maintaining love for thousands, slow to anger, forgiving of sin rebellion wickedness, abundant in goodness and truth” Exodus 34:6
- V
2 responses
Dear V & Beloved Child of The Most High King.
In agreement with your prayers dear one1 under God’s Protection according to Psalm 121:7-8
The Lord shall preserve you from all evil: He shall preserve your soul.
The Lord shall preserve you going out & your coming in from this time forth, even forevermore.
For your Healing & Sleep
as per God’s Promise in
Jeremiah 17:14
For your Dad & Dr V C B may Peace for their disappointment/dissatisfaction & Healing including the smoking habit
according to the Promise in
Isaiah 57:19
Peace, peace to him that is far off & to him that us near, says The Lord, and
I will heal him.
1 week ago
Our Creator “God” reign’s Victorious over ALL !
I Pray keep Us faithfully believing In Jesus Christ His One and Only Son! Our Saviour ! Always and For Ever .
Amen Hallelujah Amen 🙏🙏🙏.
1 week ago
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