Need Prayer Protection
Added 1 month ago
My dad is sponsoring my Aunty – Mum’s sister and her husband to come to Australia on a tourist visa. Dad, Aunty, and her husband are mean people and anti-Christ believers. My mum is separated from my dad and has a serious heart condition. Mum and I do not want my aunty and her husband to come to this house as they will tag team and attack my unwell mum and I would have to intervene. My parents are joint owners of this property. Please help praying 🙏🏼 they stay away from this house and or don’t come to Australia. I don’t want something more serious to happen, which won’t be good. Mum and I have been baptised, and we believe in Christ. I am praying for salvation. As Matthew 7:7 claims. Please help us 🙏🏼.
- S
2 responses
May God protect you and your Mum from any evil through the powerful name of Jesus.
In His name I pray
2 weeks ago
Lord You see, You hear, You care.
We see Your Loving protection for this situation.
May Your name be lifted up.
May we Glorify You in all You do.
Thank you in Jesus name.
2 weeks ago
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