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11 🙏

Miraculous Healing Needed

Added 1 month ago

For a decade, I have prayed earnestly for a huge problem with my health. I had two concussions and two spinal concussions and developed Adenomas and tumours. I have difficulty with swallowing, tachycardia, shortness of breath and mobility. I am losing my sight and hearing and have spinal disc degeneration in 16 discs. I suffer from pain everywhere, high blood pressure, type 2 Diabetes, Calcification in my kidneys, Anemia and Pelvic floor dysfunction.

I have lost my children to an ugly divorce after two decades of domestic abuse. For forty years, I have been abused in one way or another.  It has been difficult lately as my Complex Post Traumatic Stress disorder makes life terrifying to live with. I am asking for God to intervene and to do His will in my life! I have always been a child of God. I just really need Him to step in now because this is getting impossible. It’s important for me to get a quality of life back that I can be willing to move forward with! Thank you for your prayers!

- C

3 responses


I Pray To Allmighty God for His child C tonight that He will come with the healing and guidance to help You through this time of great troubles in your life. Amen 🙏
In Hebrews Ch 13 verse 5 -6 . NIV; Never Will I leave you ; never will I forsake you. V6 So we say with confidence “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid . Amen 🙏

5 days ago


Dear C.,
Beloved Child of The Most High & Almighty King, Jesus Christ prayed to give you The Comforter
John 14:16
“And I pray The Father & He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever
John 14:18
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
2 Thessalonians 3:3
The Lord is faithful & He will strengthen you
& Protect you from the evil one.

C. you are honoured & The Almighty acknowledges these trials you mentioned
Psalm 91:14-15
“Because s/he loves Me,” says The Lord, “I will rescue her/him;
I will protect her/him, for s/he acknowledges My Name; he will call upon Me & I will answer him; I will be with her/him in trouble,
I will deliver her/him & honour her/him.

6 days ago


God please look after C and give them peace so that they can move forward with their life.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

2 weeks ago

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