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9 🙏

Miracle Needed!

Added 2 weeks ago

Hi, I am a faithful servant of my Lord Jesus Christ, praise the Lord. But as of recently, I have fallen on some really hard times. In the space of a week, I lost my job and the house I was living in. I immediately called out to Jesus and have been crying out to the Lord for a miracle. So he put in my heart to go out and look for a house, which I did, and I found the perfect little place. As I went to visit this little two-bedroom flat, I was in deep prayer the whole time. I was praying over my application; I was praying that God would give me some sort of sign that this could be the place. I felt I got that confirmation as just around the corner, I saw a huge sign that said the name of Jesus. And then, beside the house, I saw the name Jehovah Jireh, meaning The Lord will provide 🙏 . That was last Thursday. I was hoping and praying to receive good news on Friday as that was my last day in the house I was previously in. It’s now Sunday, and I’m homeless and in desperate need of a miracle

- F

1 response


Hi all.
I just wanted to give a update on the house situation. First of all thank you so much for all your prayers 🙏 unfortunately I was not successful in my application for the little 2 bedroom flat. But God in His infinite wisdom had something better for me. He got me into a smaller and more affordable, fully furnished place and was able to move in with my last bit of cash. Then He placed me into a new job which gives me so much more quality of life in terms of 4 day work weeks, 10hr shifts with the option to work a 5th or 6th workday if I choose. Praise the Lord, Praise Jehovah Jireh, our God certainly will provide!! And in a way that that surpasses all of our limited understanding. Once again thank you for all your prayers 🙏 our God is a great God.

God bless

1 week ago

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