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33 🙏

Anger and not Forgiving People

Added 1 year ago

For my husband, he is mentally unstable. He is always angry, thinking everyone is out to hurt him. He calls me horrible names because he thinks I am out to hurt him. He believes he is always the one to make decisions, but he is not. I want God to change his anger to happiness and enable us to make decisions together. I am at the point of ending my life because I can’t handle this anymore. We need some money to live on; we are retired and struggling to make ends meet.

- A

4 responses


I pray that God will help you.
Never forget his love for you.
You need to find help as you are thinking about ending your life. Just talk to someone about how you are feeling, maybe there is a support group you can join.
God bless you.

1 year ago


What comes to mind is that your husband needs to read The Five Love Languages.

1 year ago


Dear A., U.S
Beloved Child of God, do NOT entertain evil devilish thoughts of harming yourself. You are held in The Arms of The Heavenly Father who cherishes you enough to sacrifice Himself on the Cross, so continue praying to The Almighty God’s sustaining Power over yourself & deliverance for your husband.
Seek & regularly attend a Christian Healing Prayer group you can confide to bring down evil strongholds.
Psalm 46:1-3
God is our refuge & strength, a very Present Help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear……
Praying for husband
James 3:14
But if you (husband) have bitter envying & strife in your heart, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
A. remember try not to reply or entangle yourself in the web of arguments, only The Holy Spirit can convince, convict & convert him.
Keep your energy in efforts that establish good & join craft group of any group of your interest for respite from strife & companionship for joyful & peaceful moments.

1 year ago


Praying that you feel God’s love and presence. Please remember that you are cherished by God and that He loves you more than you can imagine. Please seek after God for comfort and strength and please reach out to those around you for help. May God place many people in your path who will support you and guide you through this time. Please, please reach out to someone who can help you. Please look for and call for help. You are loved and I am praying for you🙏
You are a very precious child of our Most High God ❤️

1 year ago

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Please be respectful and kind. A good guide is to not say anything you wouldn't say face to face.

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